Infinity Stone dalam dunia sebenar...
Hajar Aswad - Soul
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Cintamani - Life
Zamrud Izazil( Emereld of Azazil) - Power
Hermetic tradition also maintained that an emerald fell from Lucifer’s forehead during his fall. According to medieval folklore, the emerald, placed upon the tongue, enabled to summon evil spirits and converse with them. However it was also recognised as being able to heal some diseases, especially those pertaining to eyesight.
Eye Of Horus - Sight
The Eye of Horus is an ancient Egyptian symbol of protection, royal power and good health. The eye is personified in the goddess Wadjet (also written as Wedjat,[1][2][3] or Udjat",[4] Uadjet, Wedjoyet, Edjo or Uto[5]). The Eye of Horus is similar to the Eye of Ra, which belongs to a different god, Ra, but represents many of the same concepts.
Draconite - Rage
A dragon-stone was created from the pure intelligence of a dragon. As Demos Ess described the process in the Legend of Draconite series, he compared it to how a clam creates a pearl in its shell over time. The same happened with a dragon-stone, except that the stone is created from the body, manna, and intelligence of a dragon.
Solomon Seal - Rule
The Seal of Solomon (or Ring of Solomon; Arabic: Khātam Sulaymān خاتم_سليمان) is the signet ring attributed to King Solomon in medieval Jewish tradition, later also in Islamic and Western occultism. It was often depicted in either a pentagram or hexagram shape; the latter also known as the Star of David in Jewish tradition.
Hajar Aswad - Soul
Dikatakannya bahawa Hajar Aswad adalah batu dunia yang berasal dari syurga yang dahulunya berwarna putih berkilauan, lalu berubah menjadi hitam kerana perbuatan keji dan kotor yang dilakukan oleh orang musyrik. Namun, kelak batu ini akan berwarna putih kembali seperti sedia kala.
Menurut riwayat Ibnu Abbas dan Abdullah bin Amr bin As, dahulu Hajar Aswad tidak hanya berwarna putih tetapi juga memancarkan sinar yang berkilauan.
Jika Allah SWT tidak memadamkan kilauannya, tidak seorang manusia pun yang sanggup mamandangnya.
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© Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd
Cintamani - Life
Anda pasti pernah mendengar legenda mengenai batu sakti bernama philosopher stone bukan? Dikatakan bahwa batu philosopher itu dibuat oleh seorang alchemist dam memiliki kemampuan untuk merubah segala macam besi menjadi emas.
Dalam mitologi kuno, batu Cintamani ini memiliki kedudukan atau kemampuan sejajar dengan philosopher stone akan tetapi kemampuan batu ini berbeda dengan philosopher stone. Cintamani dikaitkan erat dengan artefak Buddha yang dapat mengabulkan segala macam permohonan dari pemiliknya. Dikatakan juga bahwa batu ini berada di daratan Asia Tenggara, namun sebagaimana kisah mitologi, sampai sekarang tidak diketahui keberadaan dan kebenaran dari cerita tersebut.
Hermetic tradition also maintained that an emerald fell from Lucifer’s forehead during his fall. According to medieval folklore, the emerald, placed upon the tongue, enabled to summon evil spirits and converse with them. However it was also recognised as being able to heal some diseases, especially those pertaining to eyesight.
Eye Of Horus - Sight
The Eye of Horus is an ancient Egyptian symbol of protection, royal power and good health. The eye is personified in the goddess Wadjet (also written as Wedjat,[1][2][3] or Udjat",[4] Uadjet, Wedjoyet, Edjo or Uto[5]). The Eye of Horus is similar to the Eye of Ra, which belongs to a different god, Ra, but represents many of the same concepts.
Draconite - Rage
A dragon-stone was created from the pure intelligence of a dragon. As Demos Ess described the process in the Legend of Draconite series, he compared it to how a clam creates a pearl in its shell over time. The same happened with a dragon-stone, except that the stone is created from the body, manna, and intelligence of a dragon.
Solomon Seal - Rule
The Seal of Solomon (or Ring of Solomon; Arabic: Khātam Sulaymān خاتم_سليمان) is the signet ring attributed to King Solomon in medieval Jewish tradition, later also in Islamic and Western occultism. It was often depicted in either a pentagram or hexagram shape; the latter also known as the Star of David in Jewish tradition.
infinty stone |
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